Updated GMS2 to new runtime and reimported GMS1 to GMS2.
[Sonic-Engine-360.git] / GMS2 / Sonic Engine 360 / sprites / SprLifeDisplay / SprLifeDisplay.yy
1 {\r
2     "id": "4b762517-c189-4ce0-8815-233c42cf04a0",\r
3     "modelName": "GMSprite",\r
4     "mvc": "1.1",\r
5     "name": "SprLifeDisplay",\r
6     "For3D": false,\r
7     "HTile": false,\r
8     "VTile": false,\r
9     "bbox_bottom": 16,\r
10     "bbox_left": 1,\r
11     "bbox_right": 48,\r
12     "bbox_top": 1,\r
13     "bboxmode": 0,\r
14     "colkind": 0,\r
15     "coltolerance": 0,\r
16     "frames": [\r
17         {\r
18             "id": "e6f79c7f-778d-429b-ac49-96a74f5b4a1a",\r
19             "modelName": "GMSpriteFrame",\r
20             "mvc": "1.0",\r
21             "SpriteId": "4b762517-c189-4ce0-8815-233c42cf04a0",\r
22             "compositeImage": {\r
23                 "id": "8ff21551-4ee3-4e6a-a679-d832ea672296",\r
24                 "modelName": "GMSpriteImage",\r
25                 "mvc": "1.0",\r
26                 "FrameId": "e6f79c7f-778d-429b-ac49-96a74f5b4a1a",\r
27                 "LayerId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"\r
28             },\r
29             "images": [\r
30                 {\r
31                     "id": "4bdd4dd1-e177-4406-9100-8e5a336123fa",\r
32                     "modelName": "GMSpriteImage",\r
33                     "mvc": "1.0",\r
34                     "FrameId": "e6f79c7f-778d-429b-ac49-96a74f5b4a1a",\r
35                     "LayerId": "b0ce4b63-790a-4dcf-ae36-c9918d48e033"\r
36                 }\r
37             ]\r
38         }\r
39     ],\r
40     "height": 18,\r
41     "layers": [\r
42         {\r
43             "id": "b0ce4b63-790a-4dcf-ae36-c9918d48e033",\r
44             "modelName": "GMImageLayer",\r
45             "mvc": "1.0",\r
46             "SpriteId": "4b762517-c189-4ce0-8815-233c42cf04a0",\r
47             "blendMode": 0,\r
48             "isLocked": false,\r
49             "name": "default",\r
50             "opacity": 100,\r
51             "visible": true\r
52         }\r
53     ],\r
54     "playbackSpeed": 1,\r
55     "playbackSpeedType": 1,\r
56     "sepmasks": false,\r
57     "swatchColours": null,\r
58     "textureGroup": 0,\r
59     "type": 0,\r
60     "width": 50,\r
61     "xorig": 9,\r
62     "yorig": 9\r